1. Introduction. The aim of this note is to present a simple and elegant approach to the von Neumann Theorem in relation to contributions by Professors J. Dugundji and A. Granas [9,10]. The M. Sion [25] generalization of the minimax theorem to quasiconcave/convex functions can be formulated as a Nonlinear Alternative [1], which turns out to be equivalent to the Dugundji-Granas version of the KKM Principle, the Browder-Ky Fan Fixed Point Theorem, and a Coincidence Principle for dual Ky Fan type set-valued maps. We include what we believe is the most elementary proof of Maurice Sion's version of the minimax theorem based on a theorem of C. Berge [4] equivalent to a Helly type result of V. Klee [15] on the intersection of a family of convex sets. This proof could easily be discussed in a first course in game theory for students whose background does not go much further than a very basic knowledge in linear algebra, advanced calculus, real analysis, and optimization.