Companies have migrated data from relational databases to NoSQLdatabases to improve their business through more active services ata lower operating cost, especially by the adoption of cloud services.This process is called Data Migration and is considered by someauthors one of the biggest challenges in systems engineering today.Although it is advantageous, the process of migrating data fromthe relational model to NoSQL models is not trivial and has led tothe development of different methodologies for this purpose. Theobjective of this work was to analyze and compare three differentmigration methodologies between Relational and NoSQL DocumentOriented databases under the following aspects: algorithminput, method documentation, migration process and generateddocuments. For that, different relational models were empiricallymigrated using such methodologies, allowing the analysis of theevaluated aspects. The results show that there is no consolidatedway to perform the migration and that the method to be chosendepends on the context of the application. So, scenarios that showwhen to use each method are presented. Although not performingcomputational tests, this work provides suggestions and insightsthrough the evaluation of the migration processes under the theoreticalmodels. It expected that the results presented here will helpIT managers decide on the best data model migration methodologyto follow in their actual projects.