“…In this simulation, the standard cubature Kalman smoother (CKS) [2], outlier robust CKS [4], CKS with unknown noise covariances (CKSWUNC) [13], [14], the proposed robust CKS with fixed noise parameters (the proposed CKS-fixed), the proposed robust CKS with estimated Q and R and fixed ω and ν (the proposed CKS-QR), the proposed robust CKS with estimated ω and ν and fixed Q and R (the proposed CKS-ων), and the proposed robust CKS with estimated Q, R, ω and ν (the proposed CKS-QRων) are tested. Note that CKSWUNC is obtained by using the Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother in [13] combined with the third degree spherical radial cubature rule [3] based statistical linearization of the nonlinear system. The scale matrix and dof parameter of the existing outlier robust CKS are set as Σ v and 5.…”