Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a standard statistical modeling approach for comparing populations. The functional analysis setting envisions that mean functions are associated with the populations, customarily modeled using basis representations, and seeks to compare them. More recently, these functions have been modeled as realizations of stochastic processes. Here, we adopt this latter approach, offering several novel contributions. First, we extend the Gaussian process version to allow nonparametric specifications using Dirichlet process mixing. We introduce several useful metrics for comparison of populations under either specification. Then, we introduce a hierarchical Dirichlet process model which compares populations through their distributions. That is, each population has a (random) distribution which generates the functions for each of the individuals sampled within that population. Now, comparison can proceed directly through these distributions or through functions which arise using functionals of interest under these distributions, employing the foregoing metrics. We take the modeling a bit further, introducing a nested hierarchical Dirichlet process to allow us to switch the sampling scheme. There are still population level distributions but now we sample at levels of the functions, obtaining observations from potentially different individuals at different levels. We illustrate with both simulated data as well as a dataset of temperature vs. depth measurements at four different locations in the Atlantic Ocean.