We introduce a fairly general concept of functional equation for k-tuples of functions f 1 , . . . , f k : X → Y between arbitrary sets. The homomorphy equations for mappings between groups and other algebraic systems, as well as various types of functional equations and recursion formulas occurring in mathematical analysis or combinatorics, respectively, become special cases (of systems) of such equations. Assuming that X is a locally compact and Y is a completely regular topological space, we show that systems of such functional equations, with parameters satisfying rather a modest continuity condition, are stable in the following intuitive sense: Every k-tuple of "sufficiently continuous," "reasonably bounded" functions X → Y satisfying the given system with a "sufficient precision" on a "big enough" compact set is already "arbitrarily close" on an "arbitrarily big" compact set to a k-tuple of continuous functions solving the system. The result is derived as a consequence of certain intuitively appealing "almost-near" principle using the relation of infinitesimal nearness formulated in terms of nonstandard analysis.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 39B82;Secondary 39B72, 54D45, 54E15, 54J05. 1 2 P. ZLATOŠ (like, e.g., the sine and cosine addition formulas) or various recursion formulas occurring in combinatorics become just special cases (of systems) of such equations.Assuming that X is a locally compact and Y is a completely regular (i.e., uniformizable) topological space, we will show that systems of such functional equations, with functional parameters satisfying rather a modest continuity condition, are stable in the following intuitive sense, which will be made precise in the final Section 4 (Theorems 4.4, 4.9): Every k-tuple of "sufficiently continuous," "reasonably bounded" functions X → Y satisfying the given system with a "sufficient precision" on a "big enough" compact set is already "arbitrarily close" on an "arbitrarily big" compact set to a k-tuple of continuous functions solving the system. The result is a generalization comprising several former results by the author and his collaborators [SlZ], [SpZ], [Z1], [Z2], [Z3]. It is derived as a consequence of certain intuitively appealing stability or "almost-near" principle (in the sense of [An], [BB]) using the relation of infinitesimal nearness formulated in terms of nonstandard analysis in Section 3 (Theorem 3.1, Corollary 3.2), generalizing a more specific principle of this kind from [SlZ].