Abstract. Fibrators are n-manifolds which automatically induce approximate fibrations, in the following sense: given any proper mapping p from an (n + k)-manifold onto a finite-dimensional metric space such that, up to shape, each point-preimage is a copy of the fibrator, p is necessarily an approximate fibration. This paper sets forth new examples, for the case k = 2, of nonfibrators whose fundamental groups are finite. Nonfibrators are surprisingly scarce. The most obvious manifold to consider, the 1-sphere, fails to be a fibrator, due to a partition of the Möbius band into circles, and, perhaps even more familiarly, in codimension 2 due to the singularities typically present in Seifert fibrations. Somewhat similarly, the n-sphere, n > 1, is a nonfibrator, but only in case the dimension of the supermanifold exceeds 2n. Among closed 2-manifolds merely the torus and Klein bottle fail to be fibrators in codimension 2 [D1]. No manifold N admitting a regular self-covering map N → N with a cyclic group of covering transformations can be a codimension 2 fibrator [D1,