Abstract-With the virtual enforcement of the required boundary condition (BC) at the end of a slot antenna, the area occupied by the resonant antenna can be reduced. To achieve the required virtual BC, the two short circuits at the end of the resonant slot are replaced by some reactive BC, including inductive or capacitive loadings. The application of these loads is shown to reduce the size of the resonant slot antenna for a given resonant frequency without imposing any stringent condition on the impedance matching of the antenna. In this paper, a procedure for designing this class of slot antennas for any arbitrary size is presented. The procedure is based on an equivalent circuit model for the antenna and its feed structure. The corresponding equivalent circuit parameters are extracted using a full-wave forward model in conjunction with a genetic algorithm optimizer. These parameters are employed to find a proper matching network so that a perfect match to a 50 line is obtained. For a prototype slot antenna with approximate dimensions of 0 05 0 0 05 0 the impedance match is obtained, with a fairly high gain of 3 dBi, for a very small ground plane ( 0 20 0 ). Since there are neither polarization nor mismatch losses, the antenna efficiency is limited only by the dielectric and Ohmic losses.