The method of invariant relations rigorously validated under the conditions of "local mechanical interaction" is applied to the derivation of approximate formulas for calculating the aerodynamic parameters of axisymmetric flight vehicles, whose generators represent combinations of rectilinear and ogive-shaped sections, on a basis of three canonical vehicle shapes with the same mid-sections in reduced coordinates. These are the circular disk, the spherical segment, and the sharp circular cone tangent to the segment along the contour of its mid-section, with the semi-vertex angle 0 ≤ θ k < 90 ∘ .Keywords: stationary aerodynamic parameters, aerodynamic drag coefficient, method of invariant relations, theory of local mechanical interaction, basis of standard bodies. r k2 = R b.sp.s cos θ k ; ρ 3 (η) = 0, 0 ≤ η < 1 : for the sharp circular cone r k3 = r k2 tangent to the basic spherical segment.