In this paper, the effect of the gradient-expanded meson term on the nucleon properties is investigated. The A-term is included in the extended linear sigma model in the framework of some aspects of QCD. The field equations have been solved in the mean-field approximation for the hedgehog baryon state. We find that the inclusion of the new term improves the description of the nucleon properties in comparison with other models.Keywords Mean-field approximation · Nucleon properties · Linear sigma model
IntroductionIt is now becoming clear that the chiral symmetry of the QCD Lagrangian and its spontaneous breaking [1] play a very important role in determining the structure of low-mass hadrons, which consist of u, d and s quarks, and simultaneously play a crucial role in hadron correlators in mediating the spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking [2, 3].One of the effective models in describing hadron properties is the linear sigma model which has been suggested earlier by Gell-Mann and Levy [4] to describe nucleons interacting via sigma (σ ) and pion (π ) exchanges. This model is a principal example of spontaneous symmetry breaking. Some of the consequences of this model, however, are known to be in conflict with observation. Notably, the isoscalar pion-nucleon (πN ) scattering length predicted by the model is larger than experimental value by an order of magnitude; see e.g. Refs.[5-8]. Many solutions for this model have already been suggested. Birse and Banerjee [5] constructed equations of motion treating both the σ -and π -fields as time-independent classical fields and quarks in the hedgehog spinor state. Birse [6] generalized this mean-field model to include angular and momentum and isospin projection. Goeke et al. [7] investigated hadron properties in a chiral model for the nucleon based on the linear sigma model with scalar-isoscalar and scalar-isovector mesons coupled to quarks using the coherent pair M. Abu-Shady ( )