Tensor network states are for good reasons believed to capture ground states of gapped local Hamiltonians arising in the condensed matter context, states which are in turn expected to satisfy an entanglement area law. However, the computational hardness of contracting projected entangled pair states in two and higher dimensional systems is often seen as a significant obstacle when devising higher-dimensional variants of the density-matrix renormalisation group method. In this work, we show that for those projected entangled pair states that are expected to provide good approximations of such ground states of local Hamiltonians, one can compute local expectation values in quasi-polynomial time. We therefore provide a complexity-theoretic justification of why state-of-the-art numerical tools work so well in practice. We comment on how the transfer operators of such projected entangled pair states have a gap and discuss notions of local topological quantum order. We finally turn to the computation of local expectation values on quantum computers, providing a meaningful application for a small-scale quantum computer.Recent years have seen an explosion of interest in capturing quantum many-body systems in terms of tensor network states [1][2][3][4]. Such approaches provide powerful numerical tools for simulating strongly correlated quantum systems [2,[5][6][7][8], even for fermionic systems [9][10][11][12][13], overcoming the notorious sign problem that marres Monte Carlo approaches. The success of such approaches is essentially rooted in the entanglement structure that ground states of gapped local Hamiltonian models exhibit: They are expected to satisfy an entanglement area law [14], originating from the locality of interactions. The insight that ground states are very a-typical quantum states is often captured in the phrase that states having this entanglement pattern constitute what is called the "physical corner" of Hilbert space [15]. Indeed, the intuition that tensor network states should approximate this physical corner remarkably well is substantiated by a significant body of numerical work. In this discussion, projected entangled pair states (PEPS) [5][6][7][8]16], the higherdimensional analogues of matrix product states (MPS), take the leading role. Such PEPS not only provide numerical tools, but are also workhorses for understanding phases of matter or notions of topological order [17][18][19].This development can actually be seen as a natural continuation of the established density-matrix renormalisation group (DMRG) method that allows to simulate 1D quantum systems essentially to machine precision [4,20]. For such 1D systems, a deep understanding on the functioning of tensor networks has already been reached, even to full rigor. Area laws for entanglement entropies have been proven to hold for gapped models [21], implying MPS approximations [22]. A polynomial-time classical algorithm computing an MPS approximation of ground states of gapped Hamiltonians [23] can be seen as a DMRG method with a convergen...