This thesis explores predictability in the market and then designs a decision support framework that can be used by traders to provide suggested indications of future stock price direction along with an associated probability of making that move.Markets do not remain stable and approaches that are highly predictive at one moment may cease to be so as more traders spot the patterns and adjust their trading techniques. Ideally, if these "concept drifts" could be anticipated, then the trader could store models to use with each specific market condition (or concept) and later apply those models to incoming data. The assumption however is that the future is uncertain, therefore future concepts are still undecided.Maintaining a model with only the most up-to-date price data is not necessarily the most ideal choice since the market may stabilize and old knowledge may become useful again. Additionally, decreasing training times to enable modified classifiers to work with streaming high-frequency stock data may result in decreases in performance (e.g. accuracy or AUC) due to insufficient learning times. Our framework takes a different approach to learning with drifting concepts, which is to assume that concept drift occurs and builds this into the model. The framework adapts to these market changes by building thousands of traditional base classifiers (SVMs, Decision Trees, and Neural Networks), using random subsets of past data, and covering similar (sector) stocks and heuristically combining the best of these base classifiers.This "ensemble", or pool of multiple models selected to achieve better predictive periii formance, is then used to predict future market direction. As the market moves, the base classifiers in the ensemble adapt to stay relevant and keep a high level of model performance. Our approach outperforms existing published algorithms.This thesis also addresses problems specific to learning with stock data streams, specifically class imbalance, attribute creation (e.g. technical and sentiment analysis), dimensionality reduction, and model performance due to release of news and time of