Constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) are ubiquitous in theoretical computer science. We study the problem of STRONG-CSPs, i.e. instances where a large induced sub-instance has a satisfying assignment. More formally, given a CSP instance G(V, E, [k], {Π ij } (i,j)∈E ) consisting of a set of vertices V, a set of edges E, alphabet [k], a constraint Π ij ⊂ [k] × [k] for each (i, j) ∈ E, the goal of this problem is to compute the largest subset S ⊆ V such that the instance induced on S has an assignment that satisfies all the constraints.In this paper, we study approximation algorithms for UNIQUEGAMES and related problems under the STRONG-CSP framework when the underlying constraint graph satisfies mild expansion properties. In particular, we show that given a STRONGUNIQUEGAMES instance whose optimal solution S * is supported on a regular low threshold rank graph, there exists an algorithm that runs in time exponential in the threshold rank, and recovers a large satisfiable sub-instance whose size is independent on the label set size and maximum degree of the graph. Our algorithm combines the techniques of , with several new ideas and runs in time exponential in the threshold rank of the optimal set. A key component of our algorithm is a new threshold rank based spectral decomposition, which is used to compute a "large" induced subgraph of "small" threshold rank; our techniques build on the work of Oveis Gharan and Rezaei (SODA'17) and could be of independent interest. there are spectral characterizations under which ODDCYCLETRANSVERSAL (and more generally, STRONG-CSP's) admit improved approximation. In particular, we study instances which are expanding, or more generally, have low threshold rank 2 . Formally, the threshold rank of a graph is defined as follows.Definition 1.2 (Threshold rank) Given an undirected graph G = (V, E), let A denote its weighted adjacency matrix G and let D denote the diagonal matrix where D(i, i) is the weighted degree of vertex i. The (1 − ε) threshold rank of G, denoted by rank ≥1−ε (G) is defined as the number of eigenvalues of D − 1 2 AD − 1 2 that are greater than or equal to 1 − ε.In the setting of CSPs, low threshold rank instances have been studied extensively -the study of such instances was instrumental in the development of sub-exponential time algorithms for UNIQUEGAMES and SMALLSETEDGEEXPANSION [Kol10, ABS15, BRS11]. In particular, for the edge deletion analogue of ODDCYCLETRANSVERSAL i.e., MAX-CUT, [BRS11] gave a (1/λ t )approximation algorithm running in time n poly (t) , where λ t is the t th smallest eigenvalue of the normalized Laplacian. Surprisingly, to the best of our knowledge, no such analogous results are known for ODDCYCLETRANSVERSAL. Furthermore, random instances of CSPs are expanding, and naturally have low threshold rank. This motivates us to explore the approximability of ODDCYCLETRANSVERSAL and other STRONG-CSP's in low threshold instances. In fact, we study them under the more stringent setting where only the graph induced on good vertices (constituting t...