Abstract. Given an instance of an optimization problem together with an optimal solution, we consider the scenario in which this instance is modified locally. In graph problems, e. g., a singular edge might be removed or added, or an edge weight might be varied, etc. For a problem U and such a local modification operation, let lm-U (local-modification-U ) denote the resulting problem. The question is whether it is possible to exploit the additional knowledge of an optimal solution to the original instance or not, i. e., whether lm-U is computationally more tractable than U . Here, we give non-trivial examples both of problems where this is and problems where this is not the case. Our main results are these:1. The local modification to change the cost of a singular edge turns the traveling salesperson problem (TSP) into a problem lm-TSP which is as hard as TSP itself, i. e., unless P = N P , there is no polynomial-time p(n)-approximation algorithm for lm-TSP for any polynomial p. Moreover, lm-TSP where inputs must satisfy the β-triangle inequality (lm-∆ β -TSP) remains NP-hard for all β > 1 2 . 2. For lm-∆-TSP (i. e., metric lm-TSP), an efficient 1.4-approximation algorithm is presented. In other words, the additional information enables us to do better than if we simply used Christofides' algorithm for the modified input. 3. Similarly, for all 1 < β < 3.34899, we achieve a better approximation ratio for lm-∆ β -TSP than for ∆ β -TSP. 4. Metric TSP with deadlines (time windows), if a single deadline or the cost of a single edge is modified, exhibits the same lower bounds on the approximability in these local-modification versions as those currently known for the original problem.