C o m m u n . Fa c . S c i. U n iv . A n k . S é r. A 1 M a th . S ta t. Vo lu m e 6 6 , N u m b e r 1 , P a g e s 7 5 -8 4 (2 0 1 7 ) D O I: 1 0 .1 5 0 1 / C o m m u a 1 _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 6 IS S N 1 3 0 3 -5 9 9 1
ON THE EXISTENCE OF "-OPTIMAL TRAJECTORIES OF THE CONTROL SYSTEMS WITH CONSTRAINED CONTROL RESOURCES ANAR HUSEYINAbstract. The control system described by a Urysohn type integral equation is considered. It is assumed that the admissible control functions are chosen from the closed ball of the space Lp; p > 1; with radius r and centered at the origin. Precompactness of the set of trajectories of the control system in the space of continuous functions is shown. This allows to prove that optimal control problem with lower semicontinuous payo¤ functional has an "-optimal trajectory for every " > 0.