We obtain a complete classification of a large class of non almost periodic free Araki-Woods factors Γ(µ, m) ′′ up to isomorphism. We do this by showing that free Araki-Woods factors Γ(µ, m) ′′ arising from finite symmetric Borel measures µ on R whose atomic part µa is nonzero and not concentrated on {0} have the joint measure class C( k≥1 µ * k ) as an invariant. Our key technical result is a deformation/rigidity criterion for the unitary conjugacy of two faithful normal states. We use this to also deduce rigidity and classification theorems for free product von Neumann algebras.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 46L10, 46L54, 46L36.1 2 CYRIL HOUDAYER, DIMITRI SHLYAKHTENKO, AND STEFAAN VAES µ c * µ c ≺ µ c . We find in particular that in that case, the free Araki-Woods factor does not depend on the multiplicity function m. But we also show that in other cases, Γ(µ, m) ′′ does depend on m.In order to state our main results, we first introduce some terminology. For every σ-finite Borel measure µ on R, we denote by C(µ) the measure class of µ, defined as the set of all Borel sets U ⊂ R with µ(U ) = 0. Note that C(µ) = C(ν) if and only if µ ∼ ν, while C(µ) ⊂ C(ν) if and only if ν ≺ µ. For any sequence of measures (µ k ) k∈N , we denote by k∈N µ k any measure with the property that C( k∈N µ k ) = k∈N C(µ k ). We denote by µ = µ c + µ a the unique decomposition of a measure µ as the sum of a continuous and an atomic measure.We show that free Araki-Woods factors Γ(µ, m) ′′ arising from finite symmetric Borel measures µ on R whose atomic part µ a is nonzero and not concentrated on {0} have the joint measure class C( k≥1 µ * k ) as an invariant. More precisely, we obtain the following result.Theorem A. Let µ, ν be finite symmetric Borel measures on R and m, n : R → N ∪ {+∞} symmetric Borel multiplicity functions. Assume that ν has at least one atom not equal to 0.If the free Araki-Woods factors Γ(µ, m) ′′ and Γ(ν, n) ′′ are isomorphic, then there exists an isomorphism that preserves the free quasi-free states. In particular, the joint measure classes C( k≥1 µ * k ) and C( k≥1 ν * k ) are equal.Denote by S(R) the set of all finite symmetric Borel measures µ = µ c + µ a on R satisfying the following two properties:Denote by Λ(µ a ) the countable subgroup of R generated by the atoms of µ a and by δ Λ(µa) a finite atomic measure on R whose set of atoms equals Λ(µ a ).Combining our Theorem A with the isomorphism Theorem 4.1 below, we obtain a complete classification of the free Araki-Woods factors arising from measures in S(R). Here and elsewhere in this paper, we call isomorphism between von Neumann algebras M and N any bijective * -isomorphism. Even when M and N are equipped with distinguished faithful normal states, isomorphisms are not assumed to preserve these states. Corollary B. The set of free Araki-Woods factors Γ(µ, m) ′′ : µ ∈ S(R) and m : R → N ∪ {+∞} is a symmetric Borel multiplicity function is exactly classified, up to isomorphism, by the countable subgroup Λ(µ a ) and the measure class C(µ c * δ Λ(µa) )....