Let C(S m ) denote the set of continuous maps from the unit sphere S m in R m+1 into itself endowed with the supremum norm. We prove that the set {f n : f ∈ C(S m ) and n ≥ 2} of iterated maps is not dense in C(S m ). This, in particular, proves that the periodic points of the iteration operator of order n are not dense in C(S m ) for all n ≥ 2, providing an alternative proof of the result that these operators are not Devaney chaotic on C(S m ) proved in [M. Veerapazham, C. Gopalakrishna, W. Zhang, Dynamics of the iteration operator on the space of continuous self-maps, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 149(1) (2021), 217-229].Iteration, which refers to repeating the same action, is not only a crucial operation in contemporary industrial production but also a typical loop program in computer algorithms. Many authors have explored numerous interesting and complex characteristics of this operation through discussions on various aspects such as dynamical systems ([12, 24]), iterative roots ([3, 5, 14, 28]), and solutions to iterative equations ([2, 13, 23, 27]). An iterated map on a non-empty set X is simply a self-map on it of the form f n for some self-map f on X and an integer n ≥ 2, with f k denoting the k-th order iterate of f defined recursively by f 0 = id, the identity map on X, anddenote the set of continuous maps from a locally compact Hausdorff space X into itself in the compact-open topology and W(X) := ∪ ∞ n=2 W(n; X), the set of iterated maps in C(X), where W(n; X) := {f n : f ∈ C(X)} for all n ≥ 2. Then the fact that even complex quadratic polynomials are not iterated maps on C, as shown in [14, Theorem 1], prompts us to ask the natural and interesting question: how large is W(X) in C(X)? Many researchers have investigated this problem from topological and measure theoretic perspectives, and the currently known findings in this regard are summarized in the following.