This research is based on the use of learning strategies that allow you to improve the academic performance of students in the 8th year of Basic Education in the Mathematics course. For a long time, the study of mathematics has been presented as a complicated and tedious activity that prevents the inter-learning of students, causing poor academic performance. For this reason, it was necessary to investigate the different learning strategies, which can be applied in the subject of mathematics, based on contemporary pedagogical currents that contribute to raising the academic level in students. It is worth noting that there are several variables that influence the low school performance, such as personal, institutional, and social environment that marks the student's learning process, by virtue of what has been said above, it is sought to define what would be the characteristics of those variables that determine school failure or success. For this, a theoretical foundation was reviewed, from which a conceptual analysis was carried out, on the different factors that condition school performance. An investigation was also carried out on a part of the population, applying a survey to then tabulate and analyze the results, which will allow us to present the research conclusions and the respective recommendations.