The noun 13 appears twenty-one times in Deuteronomy: eleven times as part of the triad "13-orphan-widow" and ten times independently of this triad. 1 Although these two groups of references are used indistinctly in the studies about the "13 in the book of Deuteronomy 2 , they are different in several aspects.The triad references: a) are found mainly in the deuteronomic code. Nine out of eleven triadreferences are found in Deut 12-26. 3 b) are clustered around the theme of food. Out of the eleven references, eight deal with eating-measures. 4 The unity of this cluster of references is underlined by the fact that the first and the last reference to this triad, form a sort of inclussio in the deuteronomic Code: 14,29 -26,12-13 (the law of the tithe). 5 c) although it is difficult to date all the references to the noun "13 in Deuteronomy, there is consensus that the references dealing with eating measures are part of the deuteronomic reform and, therefore, earlier than the references dealing with legal and cultic measures. 6 d) The triad references use the Egypt-HSU formula (i.e. "Remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt" Deut 24,22), which corresponds to the older 1 13 in the triad: