Smoking is closely related to the occurrence and development of many other cardio cerebral Vascular diseases. Smoking can increase the risk of moderate diseases such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, and stroke. Smoking will cause Vasoconstriction, increase the load of the heart, lead to poor blood circulation, and then lead to the occurrence of cardio cerebral Vascular disease. In addition, smoking can also have adverse effects on the human immune system. Smoking can lead to a decrease in immune function and increase the risk of infections. Research shows that smokers are more likely to suffer from upper respiratory tract infection, pneumonia and other diseases. Smoking can also cause pulmonary inflammatory reactions, leading to airway stenosis and obstruction, seriously affecting respiratory function. Studying the role of smoking in promoting the formation of Atherosclerosis has important scientific and social significance, which helps to understand the relationship between smoking and Atherosclerosis, provides scientific basis and guidance, promotes health publicity and education, and improves public health.