Enzymatic water-extraction of oil and proteins from rice bran was studied in a laboratoryscale set-up. The effects of the following enzymes ± Celluclast 1.5L, hemicellulase, Pectinex Ultra SP-L, Viscozyme L, Alcalase 0.6L and papain ± on oil and protein extraction yields, and the level of reducing sugars in the extract were investigated. The results showed that Alcalase was most effective in enhancing oil and protein extraction yields. Papain was found to be superior to all carbohydrase enzymes but it gave lower yields than Alcalase. Celluclast 1.5L, hemicellulase, Pectinex Ultra SP-L and Viscozyme L did not affect yields signi®cantly but increased the level of reducing sugars in the extract.