Abstract-Aubrites exhibit a wide range of highly siderophile element (HSE-Re, Os, Ir, Ru, Rh, Pt, Pd, Au) Os ratios of 0.127 to 0.130, which is in the range of enstatite chondrites. Along with the brecciated nature of aubrites, the HSE and Re-Os isotope systematics support a history of extensive postaccretion processing, including core formation, late addition of chondritic material and ⁄ or core material and potential breakup and reassembly. Highly siderophile element signatures for some aubrites are consistent with a mixing of HSE-rich chondritic fragments with a HSE-free aubrite matrix. The enrichments in incompatible HSE such as Pd and Re observed in some aubrites, reminiscent of terrestrial basalts, suggest an extensive magmatic and impact history, which is supported by both the 187 Re-187 Os isotope system and silicate-hosted isotope systems (Rb-Sr, K-Ar) yielding young formation ages of 1.3-3.9 Ga for a subset of samples. Compared with other differentiated achondrites derived from small planetary bodies, aubrites show a wide range in HSE concentrations and 187 Os ⁄
188Os, most similar to angrites. While similarities exist between the diverse groups of achondrites formed early in solar system history, the aubrite parent body(ies) clearly underwent a distinct evolution, different from angrites, brachinites, ureilites, howardites, eucrites, and diogenites.