Adequate mathematical description of magnetization curves is indispensable in engineering. The accuracy of the description has a significant impact on the design of electric machines and devices. The aim of this paper was to analyze the capability of Bézier curves systematically, to describe the nonlinear static magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steels, and to compare this approach versus the established mathematical descriptions. First, analytic functions versus measurements were analyzed. The Bézier curves were then compared systematically with the most adequate analytic functions. Next, the most suitable orders of Bézier curves were determined for the approximation of nonlinear magnetic properties, where the influence of the range of the input measurement dataset on the approximation process was analyzed. Last, the extrapolation capabilities of the Bézier curves and analytic functions were evaluated. The general conclusion is that Bézier curves have adequate flexibility and significant potential for the approximation and extrapolation of nonlinear properties of non-oriented electrical steels.