In order to evaluate arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and rhizobium bacteria effects on leaf nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentration and root characteristics of green bean and maize under intercropping, experiment was carried out in the research field of College of Agriculture, Payame Noor University of Azna, Lorestan, Iran. In experiment, sandy loam soil with pH 7.3 and EC 0.49 dS m -1 was used.The treatments comprised three cropping systems (sole cropping of green bean and maize, and intercropping), and four inoculations (control, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, rhizobium and mix of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and rhizobium). The results showed that inoculation with rhizobium improved length, diameter, volume and area of green bean root.The highest of green bean N, P concentration and root dry mass were observed in sole culture of green bean inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Moreover, root length, diameter, volume and area of maize increased by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and total concentration of N and P enhanced with use of rhizobium in sole cropping. Although the usage of Rhizobium and AMF can be affected on increasing the root growth and nutrient uptake of crops, application of bacterium and fungi combination at the same time would not be suitable. Overall, intercropping of maize with green bean caused to increase of leaf N and P concentrations and root growth of maize. . Obravnavanja so obsegala tri setvene sisteme (čista setev fižola in koruze in medsetve) in štiri inokulacije (kontrola, arbuskularne mikorizne glive, rizobium in mešanica arbuskularnih mikoriznih gliv in rizobium). Rezultati so pokazali, da je inokulacija z rizobijem izboljšala dolžino, premer, volumen in površino korenin fižola. Največja vsebnost N, P in največja suha masa korenin fižola sta bili izmerjeni v čistem posevku fižola inokuliranem z arbuskularnimi mikoriznimi glivami. Dolžina korenin, premer, volumen in površina korenin koruze so se povečali pri inokulaciji z arbuskularnimi mikoriznimi glivami, a vsebnost celukopnega N in P se je povečala le pri čistem posevku koruze in inokulaciji z rizobijem. Čeprav uporaba rizobijuma in arbuskularnih mikoriznih gliv lahko poveča rast korenin in privzem hranil poljščin pa njihova hkratna uporaba ni vedno primerna. Na osnovi raziskave lahko zaključimo, da medsetev fižola v koruzo povzroči povečanje listne vsebnosti N in P koruze in poveča rast njenih korenin.Ključne besede: inokulacija; arbuskularne mikorizne glive; rizobakterije; medsetev; dolžina korenin; površina korenin; suha masa korenin; P; N Zahra MARZBAN et al.Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 109 -1, marec 2017 80