The Powell conjecture offers a finite generating set for the genus g Goeritz group, the group of automorphisms of S3 that preserve a genus g Heegaard surface Σg, generalizing a classical result of Goeritz in the case g=2. We study the relationship between the Powell conjecture and the reducing sphere complex R(normalΣg), the subcomplex of the curve complex C(normalΣg) spanned by the reducing curves for the Heegaard splitting. We prove that the Powell conjecture is true if and only if R(normalΣg) is connected. Additionally, we show that reducing curves that meet in at most six points are connected by a path in R(normalΣg); however, we also demonstrate that even among reducing curves meeting in four points, the distance in R(normalΣg) between such curves can be arbitrarily large. We conclude with a discussion of the geometry of R(normalΣg).