Gold-bearing quartz veins of the Umm Rus area occur at the south-eastern contact of a Precambrian granodiorite cupola within younger gabbros of 573-615 Ma belonging to the Pan African orogenic belt. The rocks are intruded within low-grade metasediments. At such contact, a hybrid zone is developed characterized by the occurrence of quartz diorite which grades into diorite and meta-ferrogabro. A limited number of miner alized quartz veins cut the granodiorite-gabbro complex. Different alteration zones are developed in the vicinity of the quartz veins.The quartz veins have two main trends; NS and N30 E, the latter one is usaually gold-bearing. The mineral ized parts of the veins commonly consist of highly sheared and banded smoky quartz, and the gold content depends on the relation with the dykes. The element is strongly correlated with As and Ag, but moderately with Cu. Near to intermediate and basic dykes, the contents of Au, Ag and As are noticably increased.