Aim of this paper is trying to show the possible significance, and usefulness, of various non-selfadjoint operators for suitable Observables in non-relativistic and relativistic quantum mechanics, and in quantum electrodynamics: More specifically, this work starts dealing with: (i) the hermitian (but not selfadjoint) Time operator in non-relativistic quantum mechanics and in quantum electrodynamics; with (ii) idem, the introduction of Time and Space operators; and with (iii) the problem of the four-position and fourmomentum operators, each one with its hermitian and anti-hermitian parts, for relativistic spin-zero particles. Afterwards, other physical applications of non-selfadjoint (and even non-hermitian) operators are briefly discussed. We briefly mention how non-hermitian operators can indeed be used in physics [as it was done, elsewhere, for describing Unstable States]; and some considerations are added on the cases of the nuclear optical potential, of quantum dissipation, and in particular of an approach to the measurement problem in QM in terms of a chronon. This paper is largely based on work developed, along the years, in collaboration with V.S.Olkhovsky, and, in smaller parts, with P.Smrz, with R.H.A.Farias, and with S.P.Maydanyuk.