Anthropogenic activities such as intensive agriculture and waste water discharge deteriorate the quality of water resources. More specifically, anthropogenic sources increase the aquatic concentration and fluxes of nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and organic carbon, leading to eutrophication in rivers, lakes and coastal waters (Carpenter et al., 2011;Schlesinger, 2009). This can pose a threat to water security and downstream aquatic ecosystem health and functioning (Foley et al., 2005). For effective catchment-scale water quality management, knowledge on sources, pathways and reaction processes of critical constituents is needed. Reactive transport at the catchment scale, is however, complex and tends to span a large range of spatial and temporal scales (Gall et al., 2013;Kirchner, 2003;Sivapalan, 2006). This often hinders establishing a unique cause-effect relationship.One way of approaching this complexity involves the analysis of the integrated response of concentration (C) of a constituent and discharge (Q) at a given point in the stream to identify underlying processes and their hierarchy (Basu et al., 2011;Godsey et al., 2009;Musolff et al., 2015). More specifically, characterizing the relationship between concentration and discharge proved valuable to link temporal patterns in the data to dominant processes at the catchment scale (Sivapalan, 2006). This link may however not always be fully