Artificial Hygiene is the thought taken from the concept of hygiene in daily life. Hygiene is an old concept related to medical, as well as to personal and professional practices that are taken to be care related to most aspects of living. Hygiene practices that are employed as preventative measures to less incidence and spreading of disease, like hand hygiene cleaning the hands before taking food, respiratory hygiene covering the face with hands or hanky on sneezing, food and water hygiene-always put the food and drinking water covered, etc. so hygiene can also be applied on computer machines. So in Computer network, if a system in network is infected the artificial hygiene should ensure that unauthorized or malicious traffic never leaves the infected system/host to other in a network. Hygiene refers to the set of rules that an individual follows in a community to be associated with the preservation of healthy living for whole community that avoid or reduce disease and the spreading of disease in social society. Periodical hygienenical habits may be considered good practices by a society while the neglect of hygiene can be considered disgusting, disrespectful or even threatening. So for this we have to give some rules that an individual computer have to follow to impart hygiene to computers society that means computer network so that the system know how to behave against threat to protect itself as well as help others on the network so that other can also protect themselves from the threat.