Perturbations of the yeast cell wall trigger a repair mechanism that reconfigures its molecular structure to preserve cell integrity. To investigate this mechanism, we compared the global gene expression in five mutant strains, each bearing a mutation (i.e. fks1, kre6, mnn9, gas1, and knr4 mutants) that affects in a different manner the cell wall construction. Altogether, 300 responsive genes were kept based on high stringency criteria during data processing. Functional classification of these differentially expressed genes showed a substantial subset of induced genes involved in cell wall construction and an enrichment of metabolic, energy generation, and cell defense categories, whereas families of genes belonging to transcription, protein synthesis, and cellular growth were underrepresented. Clustering methods isolated a single group of ϳ80 up-regulated genes that could be considered as the stereotypical transcriptional response of the cell wall compensatory mechanism. The in silico analysis of the DNA upstream region of these co-regulated genes revealed pairwise combinations of DNA-binding sites for transcriptional factors implicated in stress and heat shock responses (Msn2/4p and Hsf1p) with Rlm1p and Swi4p, two PKC1-regulated transcription factors involved in the activation genes related to cell wall biogenesis and G 1 /S transition. Moreover, this computational analysis also uncovered the 6-bp 5 -AGCCTC-3 CDRE (calcineurindependent response element) motif in 40% of the coregulated genes. This motif was recently shown to be the DNA binding site for Crz1p, the major effector of calcineurin-regulated gene expression in yeast. Taken altogether, the data presented here lead to the conclusion that the cell wall compensatory mechanism, as triggered by cell wall mutations, integrates three major regulatory systems: namely the PKC1-SLT2 mitogen-activated protein kinase-signaling module, the "global stress" response mediated by Msn2/4p, and the Ca 2؉ /calcineurindependent pathway. The relative importance of these regulatory systems in the cell wall compensatory mechanism is discussed.Yeast and fungi are surrounded by a cell wall that is a complex structure essential for maintenance of the cell shape, prevention of lysis, and protection against harmful environmental conditions. The yeast cell wall architecture has been determined in detail over the past decade (1). It is a layered structure that is composed of -1,3-and -1,6-glucan (50 -60% of the cell wall dry mass), mannoproteins (40 -50%), and chitin (2%). -1,3-Glucan and chitin form a fibrillar network to which mannoproteins are anchored, mostly through -1,6-glucan. Some cell wall proteins, like the PIR family, can be directly linked to -1,3-glucan (reviewed in Ref.2). The cell wall is not a rigid structure, since it endures all of the changes that the cell undergoes during division, morphogenesis, and differentiation.To ensure continuous integrity of the wall in accordance with its plasticity, complex mechanisms must be operating, which need to be strictly ...