Northern wetlands and their productive tundra vegetation are of prime importance for Arctic wildlife by providing high-quality forage and breeding habitats. However, many wetlands are becoming drier as a function of climate-induced permafrost degradation. This phenomenon is notably the case in cold, ice-rich permafrost regions such as Bylot Island, Nunavut, where degradation of ice wedges and thermo-erosion gullying have already occurred throughout the polygon-patterned landscape resulting in a progressive shift from wet to mesic tundra vegetation within a decade. This study reports on the application of the normalized difference vegetation index to determine the extent of permafrost ecosystem disturbance on wetlands adjacent to thermo-erosion gullies. The analysis of a GeoEye-1 image of the Qarlikturvik valley, yielding a classification with five classes and 62% accuracy, resulted in directly identifying affected areas when compared to undisturbed baseline of wet and mesic plant communities. The total wetland area lost by drainage around the three studied gullies approximated to 95 430 m 2 , which already represents 0.5% of the total wetland area of the valley. This is worrisome considering that 36 gullies have been documented in a single valley since 1999 and that permafrost degradation by thermal erosion gullying is significantly altering landscape morphology, modifying wetland hydrology, and generating new fluxes of nutrients, sediments, and carbon in the watershed. This study demonstrates that remote sensing provides an effective means for monitoring spatially and temporally the impact of permafrost disturbance on Arctic wetland stability.Key words: Arctic wetlands, thermo-erosion gullies, permafrost disturbance, remote sensing, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI).RĂ©sumĂ© : Les terres humides du Nord ainsi que leur vĂ©gĂ©tation de toundra fertile sont d'une grande importance pour la faune arctique en procurant un fourrage de grande qualitĂ© et des habitats de reproduction. Cependant, beaucoup de terres humides deviennent plus sĂšches en fonction de la dĂ©gradation du pergĂ©lisol d'origine climatique. Ce phĂ©nomĂšne est notamment le cas dans les rĂ©gions de pergĂ©lisol froides, riches en glace comme l'Ăźle Bylot, Nunavut, oĂč les phĂ©nomĂšnes de fonte de coins de glace et de ravinement par Ă©rosion For personal use only.thermique se sont dĂ©jĂ produits partout dans le paysage de polygones en plan, entraĂźnant un changement progressif de la vĂ©gĂ©tation de toundra humide Ă mĂ©sique en une dĂ©cennie. Cette Ă©tude fait Ă©tat de l'application d'indice de vĂ©gĂ©tation par diffĂ©rence normalisĂ©e afin de dĂ©terminer l'ampleur de la perturbation des Ă©cosystĂšmes du pergĂ©lisol affectant les terres humides adjacentes aux ravins d'Ă©rosion thermique. L'analyse d'une image de GeoEye-1 de la vallĂ©e Qarlikturvik, rapportant une classification Ă cinq classes avec une exactitude de 62%, a permis de directement identifier les zones touchĂ©es lorsque comparĂ©es Ă la rĂ©fĂ©rence, soit les communautĂ©s intactes de plantes humides et mĂ©siques...