Anecdotally, it has been suggested that undergraduate anthropology students are more interested in forensic anthropology than any other specialty but that forensic anthropologists are less desired as colleagues in academia due to the nature of their work. The goal of this project was to examine two related questions: Does having a forensic anthropologist, or an undergraduate concentration in forensic anthropology, increase the number of majors in anthropology programs? And are forensic anthropologists less likely to be hired for relevant biological anthropology academic positions? To address these questions, data from a number of sources were analyzed. Results found that academic programs with a forensic anthropology concentration had large increases in the overall number of anthropology majors and that programs with forensic anthropologists as faculty produced significantly more anthropology bachelor's degrees. These data are counter to the current national trend of declining anthropology degrees. For jobs in academia specifically desiring a forensic anthropologist, forensic anthropologists were hired in only 58 percent of postings. This study shows a reluctance to hire forensic anthropologists in academia despite their positive impact on the growth of anthropology programs; it also has implications for the education of future forensic anthropologists. [forensic anthropology, academia, enrollment, career, hiring]