The financial markets across globe have become distinctly integrated owing to liberalization and globalsiation policy as well as advancement of information technology. The contagion effect of macroeconomic disturbances or financial crisis, internally and externally, is rapidly disseminating across various economies. The recent global recession of 2007-09 started with US subprime crises and subsequently followed by Lehman brother crisis affected all most all major economies of the world. In this contenxt, the present paper explores the stock market integration of leading stock exchanges across various countries during pre and post economic crisis of 2007-09. Thus for empirical analysis, it uses the data since 2004-2012. It attempts to find out the breaks point, if any, in the pattern of stock price movements endogenously. Further efforts have also been made to examine changing pattern of relationship among stock prices using bivariate and multivariate cointegration techniques. The study suggests that although stock markets are integrated globally, the integration is very weak. This proposes that stock prices as well as returns are not strongly interrelated across markets. The Granger casualty results also provides mixed evidences, although some changes are noticed about the causality between stock prices from pre-recession to post recession period in Chinese stock markets.