A methodology for the development of linguistically interpretable fuzzy models from data is presented. The implementation of the model is conducted through the training of a neuro-fuzzy network, i.e., a neural net architecture capable of representing a fuzzy system. In the ÿrst phase, the structure of the model is obtained by means of subtractive clustering, which allows the extraction of a set of relevant rules based on a set of representative input-output data samples. In the second phase, the parameters of the model are tuned via the training of a neural network through backpropagation. In order to attain interpretability goals, the method proposed imposes some constraints on the tuning of the parameters and performs membership function merging. In this way, it will be easy to assign linguistic labels to each of the membership functions obtained, after training. Therefore, the model obtained for the system under analysis will be described by a set of linguistic rules, easily interpretable.