“…Individual and institutional investors often predict future prices with reference to technical indicators because these indicators are related to contrarian strategies based on the overreaction hypothesis or on the momentum strategy induced by excessive self-confidence. The effectiveness of moving average (MA) and other technical indicators has been confirmed by relevant studies, along with the informational content of trading rules (Bessembinder & Chan, 1995;Brock, Lakonishok, & LeBaron, 1992;Gençay, 1999;Gençay, Ballocchi, Dacorogna, Olsen, & Pictet, 2002;Gençay, Dacorogna, Olsen, & Pictet, 2003;Gençay & Stengos, 1997, 1998Lo, Mamaysky, & Wang, 2000;Metghalchia, Marcucci, & Chang, 2012;Ni, Lee, & Liao, 2013;Yu, Nartea, Gan, & Yao, 2013).…”