Even if free trade creates net welfare gains for a country as a whole, the associated distributional implications can undermine the political viability of free trade. We show that trade-related redistributionas presently constituted -modestly increases the political viability of free trade in the US. We do so by assessing the causal e¤ect of expected redistribution associated with the US Trade Adjustment Assistance program on US Congressional voting behavior on eleven Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) between 2003 and 2011. We …nd that a one standard deviation increase in expected redistribution leads to an average increase in the probability of voting in favor of an FTA of 1.8 percentage points. Although this is a modest impact on average, we …nd signi…cant heterogeneities; in particular, the e¤ect is larger when a representative's constituents are more at risk or the representative faces greater re-election risk.JEL: F13, H50, J65