Nowadays, new biopsy techniques such as fine and wide needles are now employed instead of invasive biopsy techniques. Compared to open biopsy, true-cut needle biopsy has a number of advantages. It's quick and simple to do, can be done in an outpatient department, avoids incisions into previously irradiated skin, and has few risks. In order to examine malignant and benign tumours, there had been a debate in the past century on the utilisation and efficiency of tru-cut biopsy over Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) and surgical biopsy in solid tumours. A non-odontogenic tumour that occurs in jaws, also classified as a fibro-osseous lesion of the jaw, is Cemento-Ossifying Fibroma. Clinically, these lesions occur as gradually growing, reaching an enormous size if not treated. In this article, a case of cemento-ossifying fibroma noticed in the maxilla with facial swelling is discussed and the diagnosis was done using a tru-cut needle biopsy.