The first section of this article reviews the literature on the changing face of reference, beginning with a discussion of the national decline in reference transactions, its causes, and the likelihood that online reference services might one day halt or reverse the decline. It then analyzes definitions of the term "reference," pointing to a disconnect between those definitions and much of the work that actually takes place at reference desks. Next, critiques of desk-centric models of reference are examined, followed by a discussion of the persistence of the desk in so many academic libraries today. The analysis of the literature in section one informs the reenvisioning of reference services at CPP discussed in section two. Specifically, section two describes and assesses CPP's reference desk staffing shift from librarians to LibStARs (Library Student Assistant Researchers) and our implementation of LibAnswers in an effort to automate some reference transactions. The paper ends with an overview of the benefits of these new initiatives.
INTRODUCTIONIn 1986, Ford offered reference librarians some cautiously worded but nevertheless provocative advice, encouraging them "to begin to think the unthinkable, exploring alternatives and possibly eliminating the reference desk."1 By 1994, Summerhill had responded to the call, arguing that "traditional reference services are not cost-effective" 2 and as a result, libraries should "detach reference services from the reference desk." 3 The following year saw an article by Ewing and Hauptman proclaiming, "traditional academic reference service…does not need to be rethought or reconfigured, it needs to be eliminated," 4 and soon thereafter a response from The first section of this article reviews the literature on the changing face of reference, beginning with a discussion of the national decline in reference transactions, its causes, and the likelihood that online reference services might one day halt or reverse the decline. It then analyzes definitions of the term "reference," pointing to a disconnect between those definitions and much of the work that actually takes place at reference desks. Next, critiques of desk-centric models of reference are examined, followed by a discussion of the persistence of the desk in so many academic libraries today. The analysis of the literature in section one informs the re-3 envisioning of reference services at CPP discussed in section two. Specifically, section two describes and assesses CPP's reference desk staffing shift from librarians to LibStARs (Library Student Assistant Researchers) and our implementation of LibAnswers in an effort to automate some reference transactions. The paper ends with an overview of the benefits of these new initiatives.
WHAT'S WRONG WITH REFERENCE?In his frequently cited 1984 article, Miller posed the question "What's wrong with reference?" and then identified "reference sprawl" as the source of a "malaise" that was infecting "reference departments everywhere." 10 Our ever-expanding services, he argu...