Since the ratification of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in 2004, Pakistan has made modest but continued progress in implementing various tobacco control measures. By 2014, substantial progress was achieved in areas of monitoring, mass media antitobacco campaigns, and advertising bans. However, the findings from the 2014 Global Adult Tobacco Survey of Pakistan show significant differences in antitobacco campaign exposure among individuals of different educational attainment. Given this large variation in noticing antitobacco information, this paper analyzes how heterogeneity in treatment exposure may differentially impact tobaccoâuse prevalence across household groups. Householdâlevel tobaccoâuse prevalence in 2014 was, respectively, 56% and 48% for the lowâ and highâeducation households. The gap in tobaccoâuse prevalence between the two educational groups further widens post 2014. We find that, on average, individuals with higher than primary education are 14 percentage points and 6 percentage points more likely to notice anticigarette and antismokeless tobacco information in 2014, respectively. Subsequently, in 2016, highâeducation households experienced a 3.6 percentage point higher reduction in tobaccoâuse prevalence compared to the lowâeducation households. These findings motivate policies to enhance the outreach of tobacco control measures across different educational groups.