SažetakSindrom sportskog srca je skup morfoloških i funkcionalnih adaptivnih promena srca i, posledično, kardiovaskularnog sistema kao fiziološkog odgovora na kontinuiranu i intenzivnu fizičku aktivnost. Smatra se da je ovaj sindrom "siva zona" između fiziologije i patologije, dakle nedovoljno poznat i samim tim podložan različitim tumačenjima. Poslednjih nekoliko godina smo bili svedoci nekolicine iznenadnih smrti vrhunskih mladih sportista na terenu koje su dovođene u vezu sa sindromom sportskog srca. Interes pobuđen ovim tragičnim događajima izazvao je brojne rasprave u stručnoj javnosti i naveo na dilemu: "Da li je fizološka adaptivna promena kao što je sportsko srce prijatelj ili neprijatelj sportista?" U ovom revijskom radu ćemo pokušati da damo neke smernice koje su u vezi sa ovom dilemom.Ključne reči: sindrom sportsko srce, iznenadna srcana smrt, vrhunski sportisti
AbstractAthlete's heart syndrome is a set of morphological and functional adaptive changes of the heart and consequently the cardiovascular system as a physiological response to chronic physical activity. It is believed that this syndrome is "gray zone" between physiology and pathology and therefore subject to different interpretations. In the last few years, we have some sudden cardiac deaths of elite young athletes that have been speculated and associated with the athlete's heart syndrome. There is an increase in the scientific research in this field and the debate among the experts with one dilemma: if these physiological adaptive changes, athlete's heart syndrome, is the athletes friend or foe? In this Review, we describe various types of athlete's heart syndrome-their developmental, biology, differentiation, cell heterogeneity and functional characteristics.