This study aimed to examine the locus of control and epistemological beliefs of social 12 studies teacher candidates. The research, which adopted a survey model, was conducted with 550 13 social studies teacher candidates studying at 7 state universities in Turkey. The Locus of Control 14 Scale and the Epistemological Belief Scale were used to collect research data. Descriptive statistics, 15 independent samples t-test, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), Scheffe test, and correlation 16 analysis were employed in the data analysis process. When evaluating the research results, it was 17 determined that the teacher candidates generally responded to the locus of control scale at an “ap-18 propriate” level and to the epistemological belief scale at an “agree" level.” While no significant 19 difference was observed in the locus of control beliefs of social studies teacher candidates based on 20 gender, a significant difference was found in the sub-scale of belief in an unjust world. It has been 21 determined that female teacher candidates have a higher external locus of control belief. No signif-22 icant difference was observed in social studies teacher candidates’ locus of control beliefs regarding 23 their parents’ educational levels and grade level. However, there was a significant difference in the 24 sub-scale of belief in an unjust world regarding grade level. It was observed that there was a signif-25 icant difference in the epistemological beliefs of social studies teacher candidates regarding gender. 26 It was revealed that female teacher candidates had underdeveloped /immature epistemological be-27 liefs. No significant difference was found in the epistemological beliefs of teacher candidates based 28 on their parents’ educational levels or grade level. It has been observed that there is a weak but 29 positive significant relationship between the social studies teacher candidates’ locus of control and 30 epistemological beliefs and their sub-scales.