The Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is a basic transform block used in Adaptive Multicore Transform (AMT), which is a core of High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) and Versatile Video Coding (VVC) standards. AMT uses artificial intelligence technique to decide on the transform output. The suggested One-Dimensional DCT architecture is conceived by 8-point structure Loeffler-DCT technique and synthesized using a floating-point Arithmetic. By preserving the structural regularity as the Loeffler-based design, the optimized floating-point architecture consumes optimum space and delay thereby increasing the precision. The work focuses on obtaining high precision output without compromising on ADP (Area-Delay-Product). Due to the fact that the floating-point multiplier unit is developed using shift-add operations, the results reveal the accomplishment of better resolution output while maintaining Root Mean Square deviation as low as 0.0062. A total of 117 additions, 66 shifts are employed in the suggested architecture. The proposed 1D-DCT is used as a sub-block in developing the architecture of 2D-DCT using only 50% of the 1D-DCT subblocks that is needed for the conventional technique. The 8 X 8 2-D DCT, is computed using only 8 1-D DCT's and additions, instead of using 16 1-D DCT's, as in the traditional row-column method. The model is tested with standard images, which resulted in better PSNR and MSE compared to the standard method. In comparison to the state-of-the-art on DCT, the proposed method obtains a root mean square error that is negligible up to three decimal places resulting in improvement of PSNR by 17%, with a maximum clock frequency of 496MHz has been achieved. The proposed design strikes a balance between trade-off parameters such as area, speed, and precision.