Bone marrow fibrosis in 66 patients with immune thrombocytopenia treated with thrombopoietinreceptor agonists: a single-center, long-term follow-up. Haematologica, 99, 937-944. Khellaf, M., Viallard, J.F., Hamidou, M., Cheze, S., Roudot-Thoraval, F., Lefrere, F., Fain, O., Audia, S., Abgrall, J.F., Michot, J.M., Dauriac, C., Lefort, S., Gyan, E., Niault, M., Durand, J.M., Languille, L., Boutboul, D., Bierling, P., Michel, M. & Godeau, B. (2013)
Further evidence of the limitations of Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time to monitor ArgatrobanThe British Committee for Standards in Haematology Guideline on the diagnosis and management of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (2nd Edition) recommends that argatroban should be monitored using an activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) ratio target of 1Á5-3Á0, but not exceeding 100 s (Watson et al, 2012). This is based on multicentre heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) studies (Lewis et al, 2001) and a trial of argatroban in healthy subjects (Swan et al, 2000). To the best of our knowledge the first reference to APTT not exceeding 100 s is in Lewis et al (2001). A subsequent retrospective analysis of the trial by Lewis et al (2001) showed that an APTT exceeding 100 s was significantly associated with major bleeding compared to a lower APTT (Hursting & Verme-Gibboney, 2008). Recruitment to this trial permitted a baseline APTT ratio of 2Á0 prior to initiation of argatroban and it is unclear how bleeding was related to baseline APTT, which could offer an alternative explanation for the increased bleeding tendency found. Swan et al ( Siegmund et al (2008) demonstrated that, to achieve a two-fold increase in APTT, significantly different argatroban concentrations were needed depending on the underlying clinical condition and on the reagent used. A two-fold increase in APTT in plasma spiked with argatroban from healthy volunteers (HV) and patients with liver disease (LD) with the four reagents required HV/LD concentrations of 0Á73/0Á46; 0Á82/0Á64; 1Á14/0Á69; 0Á86/0Á47 lg/ml. They also showed that the APTT was over 100 s in all but one LD sample; these patients would receive lower doses of argatroban than individuals without liver disease. We previously reported a significantly higher APTT ratio (2Á6) in spiked normal plasma with Actin FS when compared to Actin FSL 2Á2, SynthASil 2Á1, APTT-SP 2Á2; also reflected in patient samples (Actin FS mean APTT ratio 1Á89 versus SynthASil ratio 1Á56), mean argatroban 0Á47 lg/ml (Guy et al, 2015). We report here further concerns about the use of the APTT ratio and the recommendation that the APTT should not exceed 100 s. Residual plasma of 9 patients (57 samples) receiving argatroban were tested on a Sysmex CS5100i (Sysmex, Milton Keynes, UK) with the APTT reagents Actin FS, Actin FSL, Pathromtin SL (all Siemens, Erlangen, Germany), SynthASil, SynFAx and APTT-SP (all Werfen, Bedford, MA, USA). The argatroban concentration was determined using the Hemoclot thrombin inhibitor assay (HTI) (Hyphen Biomed, Neuville-sur-Oise, France)...