Background: Different kinds and models of personal dosimeters are used in individual monitoring by workers. Performance tes ng as part of approval procedures is carried out to demonstrate that the essen al performance specifica ons are rou nely maintained. There are four service providers in Iran which use different luminescence techniques (i. e. TLD and RPL) with various kinds of dosimeter materials/reader instruments in personal dosimetry services. Materials and Methods: A na onal performance approval tests program was performed for the dosimeters of the service providers in energy range of so', 660 keV and 1.25 MeV, at the doses values around the recoding, inves ga on and annual dose limits, and different angle of incidents (e. g. 0, 20, 40 and 60 degree). Results: The results of this tes ng sa sfies the overall accuracy criteria with 95% confidence levels specified by the ICRP, except that of RPL technique in low energy which overes mates the dose out of the acceptable accuracy band defined as the ICRP trumpet curves. Conclusion: The inter-comparison has proved that the personal dose equivalent quan ty, H p (10), defined by the ICRU and recommended by the IAEA are becoming widely accepted and implemented in most par cipated laboratories.