In the absence of oxygen and nitrate, Pseudomonas aeruginosa metabolizes arginine via the arginine deiminase pathwayt, which allows slow growth on rich media. The conversion of arginine to ornithine, C02, and NH3 is coupled to the production of ATP from ADP. The enzymes of the arginine deiminase pathway are organized in the arcDABC operon. The arcD gene encodes a hydrophobic polytopic membrane protein.Translocation of arginine and ornithine in membrane vesicles derived from an Escherichia coli strain harboring a recombinant plasmid carrying the arcD gene was studied. Arginine and ornithine uptake was coupled to the proton motive force with a bias toward the transmembrane electrical potential. Accumulated ornithine was readily exchangeable for external arginine or lysine. The exchange was several orders of magnitude faster than proton motive force-driven transport. The ArcD protein was reconstituted in proteoliposomes after detergent solubilization of membrane vesicles. These proteoliposomes mediate a stoichiometric exchange between arginine and ornithine. It is concluded that the ArcD protein is a transport system that catalyzes an electroneutral exchange between arginine and ornithine to allow high-efficiency energy conversion in the arginine deiminase pathway.To survive anaerobiosis in the absence of nitrate as a terminal electron acceptor, Pseudomonas aeruginosa uses arginine as an energy source for viability, motility, and slow growth on rich media (31, 34). Arginine is metabolized in the arginine deiminase pathway (for a review, see reference 6). This pathway includes three cytoplasmic enzymes: (i) arginine deiminase, which catalyzes the conversion of arginine into citrulline and amnmonia (in an essentially irreversible reaction); (ii) catabolic ornithine carbamoyl transferase, which catalyzes the reaction of citrullinen with Pi to yield ornithine and carbamoyl phosphate; and (iii) carbamate kinase, which converts carbamoyl phosphate and ADP to ATP, CO2. and ammonia. These enzymes are encoded by the arcA, arcB, and arcC genes, respectively (34). The arcABC genes have been cloned and sequenced (2, 3) and are organized in an operon (24,30). The arc operon is under control of a positive regulatory protein, ANR, an FNR-like protein of P. aenrginosa (16,18,37)