Previous studies with Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium LT2 demonstrated that transcriptional activation of the prpBCDE operon requires the function of transcription factor PrpR, sigma-54, and IHF. In this study, we found that transcription from the prpBCDE and prpR promoters was down-regulated by the addition of glucose or glycerol, indicating that these genes may be regulated by the cyclic AMP (cAMP)-cAMP receptor protein (CRP) complex. Targeted mutagenesis of a putative CRP-binding site in the promoter region between prpR and prpBCDE suggested that these genes are under the control of CRP. Furthermore, cells with defects in cya or crp exhibited reduced transcriptional activation of prpR and prpBCDE in Escherichia coli. These results demonstrate that propionate metabolism is subject to catabolite repression by the global transcriptional regulator CRP and that this regulation is effected through control of both the regulator gene prpR and the prpBCDE operon itself. The unique properties of the regulation of these two divergent promoters may have important implications for mechanisms of CRP-dependent catabolite repression acting in conjunction with a member of the sigma-54 family of transcriptional activators.In Escherichia coli, glucose controls utilization of alternative carbon sources by regulating gene expression in response to glucose depletion (8,19,21). Transcriptional regulation is modulated by the level of cyclic AMP (cAMP) synthesized by the membrane-bound adenylate cyclase and cAMP receptor protein (CRP), a global transcriptional regulator. Phosphorylated EIIA Glc , an intermediate in the phosphorylation cascade of the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase system (PTS) for the uptake of glucose, is thought to stimulate adenylate cyclase. As a consequence, the active cAMP-CRP complex binds to specific DNA sites located at or upstream of CRP-dependent promoters. Binding of cAMP-CRP to these DNA sites modulates transcription initiation by RNA polymerase (RNAP). In addition, recent studies on catabolite repression caused by non-PTS sugars such as glucose-6-phosphate or gluconate concluded that it is the amount of CRP, as well as cAMP, that is altered in response to non-PTS sugars (14,16,44). Interestingly, Eppler et al. (9) proposed that glycerol-3-phosphate or glycerol also causes catabolite repression by interference with the stimulation of adenylate cyclase by EIIA Glc -P. The cluster of genes required for the catabolism of propionate was first identified in and characterized for Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (12, 15), and a closely related gene cluster was found in E. coli during the sequencing of this bacterium (1). These genes constitute a locus composed of two divergently transcribed units. One unit is the single gene prpR, which encodes a member of the sigma-54 ( 54 )-dependent activator family (32,40). The second transcriptional unit contains the prpBCDE operon, which encodes the enzymes for propionate metabolism (also known as the 2-methylcitrate pathway), allowing gro...