Farnesyl diphosphate (FPP),2 a flexible 15-carbon isoprenoid, is the universal precursor of Ͼ300 different cyclic sesquiterpenes found in numerous plants, bacteria, and fungi (1, 2). The cyclization of FPP is catalyzed by a sesquiterpene cyclase that utilizes a trinuclear magnesium cluster to trigger the departure of the pyrophosphate (PP i ) leaving group, thereby forming an allylic carbocation that typically reacts with one of the remaining bonds of the substrate (3-7). The remarkable diversity of sesquiterpene structure and stereochemistry is the consequence of precise control exerted by the cyclase over the conformations of the flexible substrate and carbocation intermediates in the cyclization cascade.Aristolochene synthase from Aspergillus terreus is a sesquiterpene cyclase that catalyzes the cyclization of FPP to form aristolochene (Fig. 1a), the parent hydrocarbon of a large group of fungal toxins such as gigantenone, PR-toxin, and bipolaroxin (8). In contrast to aristolochene synthase from Penicillium roqueforti, which generates aristolochene predominantly (Ͼ90%) but also small amounts of germacrene A and valencene (9, 10), aristolochene synthase from A. terreus generates aristolochene exclusively (9). Each cyclase adopts the common ␣-helical fold of a class I terpenoid cyclase and contains two conserved metal binding motifs: the "aspartate-rich" motif D 90 DLLE that coordinates to Mg 3 ⅐PP i stabilizes the active site in a closed conformation that is completely sequestered from bulk solvent (Fig. 1b) (11). In addition to multiple metal coordination interactions, the PP i anion accepts hydrogen bonds from conserved residues Arg , and Tyr 315 when bound to the closed conformation (Fig. 1c). It is likely that the diphosphate group of FPP makes identical metal coordination and hydrogen bond interactions in the Michaelis complex, i.e. the complex between the enzyme and the productively bound substrate that immediately precedes the initiation of the cyclization cascade.Substrate conformation is a crucial determinant of the biosynthetic outcome of the terpenoid cyclase reaction. The active site of aristolochene synthase from A. terreus serves as a high fidelity template that fixes FPP in a single, productive conformation in the Michaelis complex; otherwise, aberrant cyclization products would result. To study the conformational control of FPP in the active site of aristolochene synthase from A. terreus, we now report the structures of crystalline complexes * This work was supported, in whole or in part, by National Institutes of Health Grants GM 56838 (to D. W. C.), GM 30301 (to D. E. C.), and GM 13956 (to R. M. C.). This work was also supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (Grant EP/D069580 to R. K. A.) and by Cardiff University (Studentship to F. Y.). The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. Th...