Abstract. For given sets A, B, and Z of natural numbers where the members of Z are z0, z1, . . . in ascending order, one says that A is selected from B by Z if A(i) = B(zi) for all i. Furthermore, say that A is selected from B if A is selected from B by some recursively enumerable set, and that A is selected from B in n steps iff there are sets E0, E1, . . . , En such that E0 = A, En = B, and Ei is selected from Ei+1 for each i < n. The following results on selections are obtained in the present paper. A set is ω-r.e. if and only if it can be selected from a recursive set in finitely many steps if and only if it can be selected from a recursive set in two steps. There is some Martin-Löf random set from which any ω-r.e. set can be selected in at most two steps, whereas no recursive set can be selected from a Martin-Löf random set in one step. Moreover, all sets selected from Chaitin's Ω in finitely many steps are Martin-Löf random.