Pursuing our investigations on the relations between Thompson groups and mapping class groups, we introduce the group T ] (and its companion T ) which is an extension of the Ptolemy-Thompson group T by the braid group B 1 on infinitely many strands. We prove that T ] is a finitely presented group by constructing a complex on which it acts cocompactly with finitely presented stabilizers, and derive from it an explicit presentation. The groups T ] and T are in the same relation with respect to each other as the braid groups B nC1 and B n , for infinitely many strands n. We show that both groups embed as groups of homeomorphisms of the circle and their word problem is solvable.
20F36, 57M07; 20F38, 20F05, 57N05
IntroductionThe first relationships between Thompson's groups and braid groups were brought to light in the article [25] by P Greenberg and V Sergiescu, which is devoted to the construction and the homological study of extensions of Thompson's groups F and T by the stable braid group B Thompson's groups are not tree automorphisms, but are induced by piecewise tree automorphisms [28]. Therefore, a natural question is to find a way of lifting those elements to automorphisms of an appropriate structure. The answer proposed by [28] and [22] is to lift them to mapping classes of homeomorphisms of particular surfaces. Indeed, both groups A T and B are mapping class groups of infinite surfaces which are thickenings of suitable regular trees; the surfaces are endowed with an extra structure that must be, not globally, but only asymptotically preserved by the mapping classeshence the notion of asymptotic mapping class group. This extra structure may consist of a decomposition of the surface into pairs of pants, hexagons, hexagons with punctures, and so on.The surface D ] considered for the construction of the asymptotic mapping class group T ] is the planar thickened binary tree, which is punctured along an infinite discrete subset of points. The extra structure consists of a decomposition into suitably punctured hexagons. The asymptotic mapping class group that one obtains this way is an extension T ] of T by the group of braids B 1 on infinitely many strands (corresponding to the punctures). Therefore, T ] is quite similar to, but simpler than A T .This new group T ] seems interesting and worthy of deeper study. Compared with B , the definition of T ] presents new features, for instance, the dependence on the extra structure is now clearly manifest. We can choose two sets of punctures leading to homeomorphic surfaces for which the associated groups are not isomorphic. We obtain that way another group T , which is a sort of twin brother of T ] . Although T ] and T share the same properties, they are different. Our main result is the following: T (see Penner [35]). The terminology used here for T is expected to stress on its link with the Penner-Ptolemy groupoid. The group T ] is essentially different from BV (and B ), being an extension by the whole group of braids, and not only the pure braids. Moreover, it is know...