“…Consequently, various descriptors continually came into being en masse. These descriptors or evaluation methods for aromaticity include but are not limited to, A j , [31] HOMA, [32–36] HOMED, [37–39] HOMHED, [21] ∑ΔN, [40] HOSE, [41–43] Bird index, [45–48] A Poz , [49] RAHB, [50–57] Huckel rule, [12,58] NICS, [59–61] NICSS ZZ , [62] AdNDP, [63] ICSS, [64,65] NICS‐rate, [66] Δχ, [11] Λ, [67] AICD, [68] möbius aromaticity rule, [69,70] Baird rule, [71] MRE method, [72,73] MCBO/MCI, [74–78] ELF, [79–82] PDI, [83] LOL, [84,85] ATI, [86] CLRK, [87] FUL, [88] RCP, [89] Shannon aromaticity, [90] ELI, [91] EFG method, [92] pEDA/sEDA [93] …“The problem is that not all of them give the same ordering by aromaticity of a series of rings or molecules adding confusion to the field”, as said as Miquel Solà, [9] many times the apparent contradictions were found among different descriptors [94] . To circumvent the aporia, the so‐called multidimensional character of aromaticity was proposed in an ad hoc way [95–101] .…”