OM N. BHAT~AGAR Can J. Chem 54, 3487 (1976) Standard enthalples of solutions of sodlum bromlde, potasslum bronude, tetrabutyl phosphonium brom~de, tetraphenyl phosphoniu~n bromide, and sodlum tetraphenyl boron have been measured In 20C,, 44 5' ,, and 64 5(, dloxane-water mlxture. On the extra thermodynam~c assumption AAH,(Ph4P+) = AAH,(-BPh4) slngle Ion enthalples of tranifer from water to d~oxane-water mixtures have been calculated for \ arlous Ions.OM N. BHATNAGAR. Can. J. Chem. 54, 3487 (1976). On a mesurC les enthalpies standards de solution du bromure de sodium, du bromure de potassium, du bromure de tCtrabutylphosphonium, du bromure de tCtraphCnylphosphoniun~ et du tCtraphCnylbore sodium dans des mClanges dioxanne-eau k 20C$, 44.5C; et 64.5yc. En faisant I'hypothkse thermodynamique supplCmentaire que AAH,(Ph4P+) = a~H , ( -B p h~) , on a calcule, pour divers ions, les enthalpies de transfert d'ions uniques de I'eau a des melanges dioxanne-eau.[Traduit par le journal] Introduction I have been interested in the study of thermodynamic properties of electrolyte solutions in dioxane-water mixtures for some time (1-3). The solvation enthalpies of some tetraalkyl ammonium bromides in dioxane-water mixtures were reported in a recent paper (3). It was shown that the behaviour of these electrolytes was quite similar to their behaviour in water and that the structure-making capacity of tetraalkyl ammonium ions increases with the increase in the size of the ion. Thus from the studv in dioxanewater mixtures Bu4N+ ion was found to be the most active in structure promotion. It was thought to be of interest to see how this behaviour would change (i) by changing the central atom from nitrogen to phosphorus, (ii) by changing the nature of tetraalkyl ion from aliphatic ( [ G H 9]4-) t o aromatic ([C6H5]4-), (iii) by changing the small Br-ion to a bulky -BPh4 ion.In this paper the standard enthalpies of solution, AHsO, of sodium bromide, potassium bromide, tetrabutyl phosphonium bromide (BudPBr), tetraphenyl phosphonium bromide ([C6H5]4PBr) and sodium tetraphenyl boron (NaBPh4) in 207,, 44.57,, and 64.57, dioxane-water mixtures are reported. In addition, an attempt has been made to divide the standard enthalpies of transfer AAH, from water to dioxane-water mixtures into